Analysis of maternal and fetal complications resulting from epilepsy and its management during pregnancy

Análise das complicações maternas e fetais resultantes da epilepsia e seu controle durante a gravidez


  • Débora Letícia Correia Ishii
  • Júlia Alves Mozini
  • Raphael Navarro Aquilino
  • Nicole Yuri Koyama
  • Carolina Bertini Bonini


Palabras clave:

Epilepsy, Pregnancy, Congenital abnormalities, Child development.


Epilepsy is a brain disorder that occurs due to excessive electrical discharges and manifests itself in epileptic seizures. In pregnancy, seizure control can become more difficult due to the organic changes that occur during this period. The antiepileptic drug (AED) regimen used during pregnancy will influence fetal development, resulting in both congenital abnormalities and alterations in child development. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential maternal and fetal complications resulting from epilepsy itself and/or its clinical management during pregnancy. We analyzed 35 medical records and interviewed women with ICD G40.0 to G40.9 who became pregnant between 2005 and 2017. After data collection, statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact test and simple statistical analysis with the data obtained. It was concluded that the type of EAF, as well as its regimen with the greatest teratogenic potential, has still been widely used by pregnant women with epilepsy, demonstrating the need to raise awareness for better therapeutic management for these patients.

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Cómo citar

Letícia Correia Ishii, D., Alves Mozini , J., Navarro Aquilino, R., Yuri Koyama, N., & Bertini Bonini, C. (2023). Analysis of maternal and fetal complications resulting from epilepsy and its management during pregnancy: Análise das complicações maternas e fetais resultantes da epilepsia e seu controle durante a gravidez. International Seven Journal of Health Research, 2(6), 1354- 1364.