Analysis of interventional cardiological risk in emergency aid: Indications and procedures


  • Aline Cristina C. da Silva
  • Délio Tiago M. Malaquias
  • Hannah Kamarowski Fontana
  • Daniella Campos Furtado
  • Ana Clara Pavaneli R. De Souza
  • Brenda Maria M. Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Thalita Pinheiro M. Alineri
  • Danilo Almeida de O. Panebianco
  • Ana Carolina Correia Cruz
  • Elisitt Escarlet V. Cabrera
  • Júlio Elias Calheiros
  • Jenyffer Victoria Cabrera
  • Elisa Favareto Prezotto
  • Camilla Briza M. de Vasconcelos
  • Rafaela del grosso Reis
  • Giovana Rocha Victorello
  • Luana da Silva Souza
  • Lorenza Rech Galvan
  • Mariana Correia de Oliveira
  • Bruna Daniel Araujo
  • Lis Paulino de Oliveira
  • Maria Fernanda Fernandes G. Procópio
  • Epitácio Martins de Sá Neto
  • Jessica Rabelo Holanda
  • Raphael Caldeira Chagas
  • Marina Ferreira Sanches
  • Cristiano Bento Alvarenga
  • Rafael Pinheiro do Nascimento
  • Maria Eduarda Pellegrina Vieira
  • Guilherme Kovacsik Carvalho Balzano
  • Hamilton Roberto M. de Oliveira Carriço
  • Lucas do Vale Barreto
  • Josmar Ramon Krüger Klock
  • Gabriel Queiroz Sabbag
  • Matheus Guedes Fernandes Silva
  • Giuliana Pagliace
  • Laura Yurico Mizuno
  • Thiago A. Rochetti Bezerra


Palabras clave:

Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology, Catheterization, Angioplasty, Intracoronary Ultrasound


Introduction: Interventional cardiology procedures require special preparation recommended in the form of a protocol for each service. It is understood that the need for this is an advance for the ICHS, mainly because anxiety and fear accompany patients. Objetives: The aim of this study is to carry out an up-to-date literature review on information about hemodynamics and interventional cardiology services. Material and Methods: The methodology used was a literature review. The health terminologies consulted in the Health Sciences descriptors (DeCS/BIREME) were used; information on Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology services. Results and Discussions: Hemodynamics and interventional cardiology is an area of cardiology that diagnoses and treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels using catheters. The Hemodynamics service is responsible for performing cardiac catheterization for the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. The department performs the procedure on adults and children. Many patients are referred to the interventional cardiologist after an assessment with the clinical cardiologist. However, some go to the emergency department first because they have symptoms that could be considered serious, such as chest pain or even because they are already having a heart attack. Conclusions: Through procedures such as catheterization, angioplasty, intracoronary ultrasound, among others, interventional cardiology is a procedure without cuts, which allows patients to recover quickly. In this case, it can be used both to treat coronary artery disease, such as angina and heart attacks, as well as structural heart disease, such as problems with heart valves like severe aortic stenosis.



Cómo citar

da Silva, A. C. C., Malaquias , D. T. M., Fontana , H. K., Furtado , D. C., De Souza , A. C. P. R., de Oliveira, B. M. M. R., Alineri , T. P. M., Panebianco , D. A. de O., Cruz , A. C. C., Cabrera , E. E. V., Calheiros , J. E., Cabrera, J. V., Prezotto , E. F., de Vasconcelos , C. B. M., Reis , R. del grosso, Victorello , G. R., Souza , L. da S., Galvan , L. R., de Oliveira , M. C., Araujo , B. D., de Oliveira, L. P., Procópio , M. F. F. G., Neto , E. M. de S., Holanda , J. R., Chagas, R. C., Sanches , M. F., Alvarenga, C. B., do Nascimento, R. P., Vieira , M. E. P., Balzano , G. K. C., Carriço, H. R. M. de O., Barreto, L. do V., Klock, J. R. K., Sabbag, G. Q., Silva, M. G. F., Pagliace, G., Mizuno, L. Y., & Bezerra, T. A. R. (2024). Analysis of interventional cardiological risk in emergency aid: Indications and procedures. International Seven Journal of Health Research, 3(4), 1199–1215.