International Seven Journal of Health Research

e-ISSN: 2764-9415


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
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Search Parameters

Characteristic of viral hepatitis deaths in Brazil in the year 2021

Batista Ribeiro B;
Araujo dos Santos M;
Garcia Freire T;
Favaro Nakashima Botelho H;
et al.
| 78-90

Epidemiological analysis of hospitalization of the elderly in Brazil between 2019 and 2023

Moraes ERA;
Gomes HKM;
Silva JFG;
Mendonça WFS;
et al.
| 932-934

Data survey on breast cancer diagnostic methods in Brazil in women 40 to 59 years old

Tifany Lima Silva L;
Karollyna do Nascimento Silva Leandro M;
Justino Oliveira Costa R;
Azevedo Vilarouca Neto R;
et al.
| 88-100

Intrauterine Growth Restriction and risk factors associated in Brazil

Silva de Muzio Gripp M;
Carvalho Nogueira L;
Echenique Amorim G;
Carrijo Santos M;
et al.
| 818-833

Decision making of the endodontic-periodontal interrelation

Maria Coelho Travassos R;
do Socorro Orestes Cardoso M;
Afonso Milhomens Filho J.
| 352-372

Longitudinal study of the Drowning Prevention Knowledge Level of schoolchildren in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Barros de Vasconcellos M;
Rodrigues Corrêa P;
Oliveira Blant G;
Cristina Alves Viana L;
et al.
| 761-783

Evolution of the supercritical extraction of oilseeds matrix cultivated in brasil: a review

Paz De Melo e Silva M;
do Nascimento Teixeira L;
Eustaquio de Melo Trajano A;
Lopes Pereira S;
et al.
| 476-522

Current techniques in bariatric surgery and their benefits: A review of the literature

Laura dos Santos Taveira A;
Giacomeli Eiras G;
Augusto Ferrari Granero H;
Faria Rodrigues L;
et al.
| 638-653

Quality of life at work for manicurists in a municipality in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Trindade Lopes A;
Brandão Amorim P;
Pereira Silva L;
Ferreira França V;
et al.
| 1039-1056

Acute gastroenteritis due to food poisoning in public spaces: A dissertation review

Rego JNM;
Viegas ALJS;
Sauaia BB;
Amorim JRA;
et al.
| 911-918

Analysis of breast cancer development in young women: an integrative review

Meneses SMOC;
Diniz CAes;
de Albuquerque N;
Rocha TA;
et al.
| 104-115

Interventions used by occupational therapy in the treatment of amputees with phantom limb: an integrative review

de Maria B. de Melo C;
Regina Cabral Galvão C;
Basilio Carneiro AL.
| 26-58

Physiotherapeutic resources used in the prevention of falls in the elderly

Barboza TFR;
Ventura TCR;
Bezerra AN;
Barros BPF;
et al.
| 154-162

Crisis care in the covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of formative psychology

Cohn L;
Cristina Martins Cordeiro I;
Tiemi Kikuti K;
Destri de Moura R;
et al.
| 315-331

Sport initiation in VivaVôlei Project: a systematic review

Benedita Silva J;
Helena da Silva T;
Macedo Furtado Chaves J;
Pereira dos Santos Silva V;
et al.
| 343-351

Profile of morbidities of high-risk pregnant women in the catchment area of a family health of a family health strategy

Vitoria Silva F;
Sartini Coimbra R;
Gabriela Roedel S;
Severino W;
et al.
| 373-383

Obesity and hypertension in children and adolescents: a narrative review

Vitor Miranda Souto Ferreira J;
Hugo de Souza V;
Carvalho Ferro A;
Torres Arikawa R;
et al.
| 384-389

COPD in a basic health unit: an intervention project

Vitória Silva F;
Moraes C;
Gretter Ferro Silva I;
Padilha Stadnick G;
et al.
| 448-459

The impact of Covid-19 on cervical cancer screening

Vitória Silva F;
Pablo Camilo J;
Karsten Soares L;
Henrique Dias Christ L;
et al.
| 468-475

Self esteem in elderly people who practice physical activity in a group of the third age in the municipality of Montanha - ES

Nunes Souza M;
Brandão Amorim P;
Carolina Bernado Pereira A;
Victor Soares de Aguila J;
et al.
| 559-570

Pathophysiological factors, benefits and recommendations in swimming for asthmatics

Barros de Vasconcellos M;
dos Anjos do Nascimento J.
| 571-592